Digital technology has had a profound and lasting effect on the brand-consumer relationship. Today’s highly-connected world has placed the power firmly in the consumer’s hands, turning the paradigm of communication on its head. For today’s brands, managing influence and thought leadership is consequently now more strategic than ever.
The fact that we manage Talents, from celebrities to simple web players, allows us to embrace all aspects of influence with expertise and experience, underpinned by a unique technological platform.
Our mission:
help you build and manage the best possible network of influencers and ambassadors
to communicate on your brand and products
In France and overseas
The fact that we manage Talents, from celebrities to simple web players, allows us to embrace all aspects of influence with expertise and experience, underpinned by a unique technological platform.
Our mission:
help you build and manage the best possible network of influencers and ambassadors
to communicate on your brand and products
In France and overseas